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Youth Funds

Early Learning Center Fund – Provides funding to assist in the establishment and operation of Temple Beth David Shalom Corner Early Learning Center (opening September 2021.)

Religious School Fund – Provides funding for equipment and programs for Shorashim Religious School.

Rosenblatt Educational Scholarship Fund – Established by Frances Cain, a former Temple member, in memory of her maternal grandparents. Funds are used to provide tutorial assistance to students who will benefit from extra help but cannot afford it and to help students attend the field trips offered to our high school students.

Eli and Edith Friedman Youth Leadership Fund – Established by Hilliard Rhodes, past President, in memory of his sister and brother-in-law, Edith and Eli Friedman. This fund is used to support Temple youth activities, in particular scholarships to NFTY-NE Institutes for the members of our Senior Youth Group and Jewish summer camp scholarships.

Danny Ringel Passport to Israel Fund – Established in memory of Danny Ringel, by his parents, Richard and Marcia Ringel, past presidents of the Temple. The Fund is used to supplement the Temple’s contribution to Passport to Israel.

Nathan and Lillian Hoffman Scholarship Fund – Established by Marshall Hoffman and Bette Hoffman in memory of their parents, Nathan and Lillian Hoffman. This Fund is used to assist an outstanding student to participate in a special Jewish educational enrichment program.

Thu, December 26 2024 25 Kislev 5785