Teen Community
Teen Community
Temple Beth David offers teens formal and informal ways to connect with each other, our community, the greater Jewish community and the world.
B’nai Mitzvah and Post B’nai Mitzvah teens participate in Double Chai, a flexible, elective-based program that includes social action, our NAWDTY youth group, yearly travel opportunities and our madrichim (teaching assistant) program. These opportunities and our unique classroom offerings accommodate the busy and changing schedule of teenagers. Tenth grade includes a special Confirmation experience.
NAWDTY Youth Group
Junior (grades 6-8)
Senior (grades 9-12)
Temple Beth David teens connect to each other outside of the classroom to socialize, bond, and perform acts of tikkun olam- repairing the world.
They write and lead creative Shabbat services, pick apples, play laser tag, host a regional Neon dance, attend Conclavette, organize and staff Hannukah Happening and the Purim Carnival and just hang out together.
NFTY The Reform Jewish Youth Movement
NFTY is a movement that builds strong, welcoming, inspired communities through teen-powered engagement. Together, they pursue tikkun olam, personal growth, youth empowerment, and deep connections, all rooted in Reform Judaism.
Temple Beth David teens have attended day- and weekend-long events, ski trips and have hosted a NFTY-Northeast South subregion NEON dance.
Trips have included
Jewish New York
Jewish San Francisco
Religious Action Center's L'Taken Social Justice program in Washington D.C.
Hanukkah Celebration at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785
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Temple Beth David
7 Clapboardtree Street
Westwood, MA 02090
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