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High Holy Days | 5785 • 2024



The High Holy Day season is a sacred time for introspection and renewal. 

As we celebrate the New Year, we reflect on our lives and rededicate ourselves to living with goodness and purpose. 

Especially this year, we look forward to sowing seeds of hope together. 

L'Shanah Tovah U'Metukah - Wishing you a good, healthy and sweet New Year!

To help personally prepare, take advantage of our Elul Awake! learning and programming. 

To participate in our High Holy Day Services online, please click here.

Services Schedule

Full Schedule with Service Descriptions: View and print the schedule, including service descriptions, by clicking here:

Service Leaders:                         Our High Holy Day services are led by Rabbi Karen Citrin and Musical Prayer Leader Rabbi Batya Ellinoy, along with Music Director and pianist Michael McLaughlin. We are glad to partner with Rabbi Micah Citrin (additional music, Yeladim services and Yom Kippur study) and Rabbi Emeritus Henry Zoob (2nd Day Rosh HaShanah sermon and Shabbat Shuvah). We welcome guest musicians cellist Dan Ryan (Kol Nidrei) and Joe Kessler on violin (Erev Rosh HaShanah, Kol Nidrei, late morning services, and Yizkor & Neilah). Visit our Clergy & Staff page to learn more about them. We hope you will add your voice in meaningful prayer and community. 

High Holy Day Services Schedule

Click on each service to see more information:

Havdalah & Selichot Service
Saturday, September 28 | 7:30 PM

Rosh Hashanah

Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
Wednesday, October 2 | 7:30 PM

Rosh Hashanah Early Morning Service
Thursday, October 3 | 8:45 AM

Rosh Hashanah Late Morning Service
Thursday, October 3 | 11:15 AM

Rosh Hashanah Yeladim Youth Service
Thursday, October 3 | 4:00 PM

Rosh Hashanah, 2nd Day Morning Service
Friday, October 4 | 10:00 AM

Friday, October 4 | 12:00 PM | at Buckmaster Pond

Family Tashlich Experience
Sunday, October 6 | 10:00 AM | at Buckmaster Pond and nature walk

Yom Kippur

Kol Nidrei
Friday, October 11 | 7:30 PM

Yom Kippur Early Morning Service
Saturday, October 12 | 8:45 AM

Yom Kippur Late Morning Service
Saturday, October 12 | 11:15 AM

Yom Kippur Study Options
Saturday, October 12 | 1:30 PM

Yom Kippur Yeladim Youth Service
Saturday, October 12 | 3:00 PM

Afternoon Service of Healing & Comfort
Saturday, October 12 | 4:00 PM

Yizkor (Memorial) & Neilah (Concluding)
Saturday, October 12 | 5:00 PM
(Followed by light break fast at approximately 6:30 PM)


Health & Safety:
Masks are optional and welcome.

Service Supplements for Online Attendance:

Member Tickets & Non-Member Registration

In-Person Services

All temple members will be sent tickets by mail. Please bring these with you to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services for security purposes.
To request additional tickets, please reach out to the temple office by September 25.

Not Yet Members
We welcome prospective members to join us for the High Holy Days. If you are interested in joining us, please inquire by emailing Ariana Hershon (, Director of Administration & Programming.


Online Services

The following services will be livestreamed: Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur evening and morning services, Yizkor and Neilah.           Thank you for your support to make livestreaming possible.




In Person
Members are welcome to bring guests to services. We request a donation of $118 per guest. Guest tickets are required for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services.

We ask that you make a donation for guest links for our online High Holy Day services. 

Click here to make an online donation and select "Gifts from the Heart (High Holidays)". Thank you for supporting our community.



Volunteers Are Needed

Perform a mitzvah for the High Holy Days. Please volunteer to serve as an usher, a greeter, or a parking lot attendee at one of our services. Welcome fellow congregants and assist in maintaining a sacred atmosphere for this important time on our year. Thank you for your help!

Sign up to volunteer as an usher, security greeter, or parking lot attendee.  (login required)




If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact Ariana Hershon (, Director of Administration & Programming.

Please contact Rabbi Karen Citrin ( with any questions about services and which service to attend.



Childcare & Yizkor Memorial Book

Childcare and Youth - Children are Welcome!

Childcare Registration
Temple Beth David is pleased to offer our families childcare for children ages 2 to 2nd grade during the early morning services on Rosh Hashanah (October 3rd at 8:45am) and Yom Kippur (October 12th at 8:45am). To register for childcare, complete this form by Wednesday, September 25. Please contact Ariana ( for more information. 

Additionally, an optional break and story will be offered for K-4th graders during the early morning services. The early morning services are family-friendly.

 If you have questions about which services your family should attend, please contact Rabbi Karen Citrin ( 

Yeladim Youth Services
We welcome all families with young children to join us for Temple Beth David's Yeladim Youth services. These services will include a special prayer book, songs, and a story. On Rosh Hashanah, enjoy a craft and sweet treat. If you are not yet a member, donations are welcome. 


Remember a Loved One

The Temple Beth David Yizkor (In Memory) Book, distributed on Yom Kippur afternoon, offers a meaningful way to honor the memory of loved ones while supporting our community. If you would like the names of your loved ones included in our memorial book, please complete our Yizkor (In Memory) Book form (login required)The deadline to submit names of loved ones is Wednesday, September 25.


Additional Resources

Educational Resources

The Union for Reform Judaism's website offers resources with information about the history, customs, prayers, activities and recipes for each holiday. Check out them out here: Rosh Hashanah resourcesYom Kippur resourcesSukkot resources and Simchat Torah resources.

PJ Library has a wonderful family guide for the holidays, A Time to Grow, and other resources.


High Holy Day Food Drive

The mitzvah of tzedakah, righteous giving, is a core value of our tradition and at Temple Beth David. The prophet Isaiah, read on Yom Kippur, spoke of fasting as a reminder to do good and share our bread with the hungry.

Our congregation will be collecting food to ease hunger within our community. The food drive will support the Westwood Food Pantry, Medfield Food Cupboard, and our own mini food pantry on temple grounds. As you leave Rosh Hashanah services, please take an empty grocery bag or you may use one of your own. Return filled bags to the temple during Yom Kippur services. Wishlist items can be found on the temple’s Social Action page HERE. If you would like to help, please contact the temple office.

You can also support our Interfaith Walk For Hunger on Sunday, October 27. 

Please visit Temple Beth David's Social Action web page to learn more about organizations you can support.


Prayer Books

Mishkan HaNefesh, the Reform Movement's machzor (prayer book), offers inspiring poetry and readings that enhance the High Holy Day experience. For those joining us online, we have a limited number of prayer books available to borrow.

You may purchase your own Mishkan HaNefesh by 1) purchasing Mishkan HaNefesh from the CCAR Press, or 2) purchasing Kindle editions for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.



The Fall Holidays Continue - Sukkot & Simchat Torah

Celebrate Sukkot & Simchat Torah

Sukkot Lunch & Learn in the Sukkah
Thursday, October 17 | 12:00 PM

Sukkot & Shabbat Service
Friday, October 18 | 6:30 PM

Simchat Torah Celebration & Consecration
Wednesday, October 23 | 6:15 PM

Dinner | 5:30 PM - Sign up by October 18th


Chag Sameach!

Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785