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Double Chai Teen Learning


Double Chai is the grades 7-12 learning component of the Temple Beth David teen community. The program offers a flexible mix of electives, community service, experiential learning, and a great way for teens to stay connected to their Jewish friends.

In accordance with Temple Beth David's beliefs regarding inclusion, our teen community is supportive and welcomes all youth.  We affirm different learning needs, gender identities and celebrate that each person is created b'Tzelem Elohim, in the image of God.

Wednesday Evenings

On Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:45 pm, 7th – 12th graders enjoy dinner together followed by core class for 7th graders and elective options for 8th-12th graders. B’nai Mitzvah and Post B’nai Mitzvah teens participate in “Double Chai,” a flexible, elective based program that includes social action opportunities, youth group activities, and class offerings that accommodate the busy schedule of teenagers. 10th grade includes a special Confirmation experience and service.

There will be a few Sunday afternoon and Shabbat morning sessions in place of Wednesday evening to take advantage of daylight, being outdoors, and building communal connections. NAWDTY youth group will also support peer connections.


Seventh grade has one core course  and an elective. Students learn about Torah for our lives, Jewish ethics and the Holocaust.

Eighth and ninth graders have all elective choices, and tenth graders start to work towards Confirmation.






Eleventh and twelfth graders participate in Lishma (learning for its own sake.) They have electives, special sessions with the Rabbi based on student interest and a field trip to a local college campus and Hillel.


Confirmation, tied to the holiday of Shavuot, is a learning experience and rite of passage that recognizes high school teens as young adults and honors their questions, beliefs and commitment to Judaism. 

In-depth study and discussion with our Rabbi are hallmarks of our tenth grade Confirmation process. It concludes with a community-wide service created and led by the teens that affirms their commitment to the Jewish people.

Sample Electives

Recent electives have included:

  • Torah Yoga
  • Jewish Justice League: What Makes a Hero?
  • Biblical Stories Your Sunday School Teacher Never Taught
  • Real Life Stories of Israel
  • Green Teens - Judaism and the Environment
  • Make Your Own Tallit
  • The Many Faces of Judaism 
Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785